
Paper Reviews for all papers of ICCV 2019

Jointly Aligning Millions of Images With Deep Penalised Reconstruction Congealing

Several Computer Vision and graphics problems such as co-segmentation, super-resolution, etc. can be solved by extrapolation of fine-grained pixel-level correspondences in an unsupervised manner, from a large set of mis-aligned images. Several such joint image alignment and congealing techniques have been proposed to takle the problem, but they have poor scalability and alignment accuracy hampers their wide applicability.

To overcome this limitation, a new unsupervised joint alignment method was proposed in this paper.

Proposed Method Features

Experimental results on digits from multiple versions of MNIST(i.e original, perbuted, affNIST and infiNIST) and faces from LFW, show that the proposed method is capable of aligning millions of images with high accuracy and robustness to different levels and types of perturbation.

Proposed Method v/s other Methods

Qualitative and Quantative results suggest that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches both in terms of alignment quality and robustness to initialisation.