
Paper Reviews for all papers of ICCV 2019

Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting

Somodyuti Pal

Image Inpainting application which works on reconstructing a distorted or hazy image to its original form, is becoming a prominent part of research. The existing approaches often suffer from blurry & distorted images due to discontinuity of local pixels. The local pixel discontinuity happens due to ignoring the semantic relevance and feature continuity of hole/missing regions.

In this paper The human behavior in repairing pictures,i.e. two steps as conception and painting are introduced to ensure global structure consistency as well as local pixel continuity of a picture .The approach of painting process,constructing new structures and texture from the end nodes of the structures created previously,that ensures the local pixel continuity of the final result. Inspired by this ,a coherent semantic attention layer (CSA)is proposed which will retain fine details.

Rough,Repainting & CSA Architecture

The Proposed System

Experimental Results

Qualitative comparison
Quantitative comparison
Quantitative comparison

The inpainting task thus is completed through this two stage method. Whether the unknown region is irregular or centering, this algorithm can achieve state-of-the-art inpainting results. The Human inspired Rough & Refinement steps added new path on this application.

The stated method clearly had great effect on inpainting techniques and worked well than other Architectures it compared with. The new introduced Feature path Discriminator & Consistency loss achieved greater impact than conventional ways.

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